ES6 cheatsheet  —  Modules

Headshot Mihai Serban

Serban Mihai / 20 October 2018

~2 min read

ES6 modules

Prior to ES6, we used libraries such as Browserify to create modules on the client-side, and require in Node.js. With ES6, we can now directly use modules of all types (AMD and CommonJS).

Exporting in CommonJS

module.exports = 1;  
module.exports = { foo: 'bar' };  
module.exports = ['foo', 'bar'];  
module.exports = function bar () {};

Exporting in ES6

Named Exports:

export function multiply (x, y) {  
  return x * y;  

As well as exporting a list of objects:

function add (x, y) {  
  return x + y;  

function multiply (x, y) {  
  return x * y;  

export { add, multiply };

Default export:

In our module, we can have many named exports, but we can also have a default export. It’s because our module could be a large library and with default export we can import then an entire module.

Important to note that there’s only one default export per module.

export default function (x, y) {  
  return x * y;  

This time we don’t have to use curly braces for importing and we have a chance to name imported statement as we wish.

import multiply from 'module';  
// === OR ===  
import whatever from 'module';

A module can have both named exports and a default export:

// module.js  
export function add (x, y) {  
  return x + y;  
export default function (x, y) {  
  return x * y;  

// app.js  
import multiply, { add } from 'module';

The default export is just a named export with the special name default.

// module.js  
export default function (x, y) {  
  return x * y;  

// app.js  
import { default } from 'module';

Importing in ES6

import { add } from 'module';

We can even import many statements:

import { add, multiply } from 'module';

Imports may also be aliased:

import {   
  add as addition,   
  multiply as multiplication  
} from 'module';

and use wildcard (*) to import all exported statemets:

import * from 'module';

You can find a more complete ES6 cheetsheet on my Github page.

P.S. If you ❤️ this, make sure to follow me on Twitter, and share this with your friends 😀🙏🏻

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