ES6 cheatsheet  —  Getter and setter functions

Headshot Mihai Serban

Serban Mihai / 20 October 2018

~1 min read

ES6 getter and setter functions

ES6 has started supporting getter and setter functions within classes. Using the following example:

class Person {  
    constructor(name) {  
        this._name = name;  

    get name() {  
      if(this._name) {  
        return this._name.toUpperCase();    
      } else {  
        return undefined;  

    set name(newName) {  
      if (newName == this._name) {  
        console.log('I already have this name.');  
      } else if (newName) {  
        this._name = newName;  
      } else {  
        return false;  

let person = new Person("John Doe");  

// uses the get method in the background  
if ( {  
  console.log(;  // John Doe  

// uses the setter in the background = "Jane Doe";  
console.log(;  // Jane Doe

You can find a more complete ES6 cheetsheet on my Github page.

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