ES6 cheatsheet  —  Arrow Functions

Headshot Mihai Serban

Serban Mihai / 20 October 2018

~1 min read

ES6 Arrow functions

Arrows are a function shorthand using the => syntax. Arrow functions allow you to preserve the lexical value of this.

Take the example below where we have a nested function, in which we would like to preserve the context of this from its lexical scope:

function Person(name) { = name;  

Person.prototype.prefixName = function (arr) {  
    return (character) {  
        return + character; // Cannot read property 'name' of undefined  

Using Arrow Functions, the lexical value of this isn't shadowed and we can re-write the above as shown:

function Person(name) { = name;  

Person.prototype.prefixName = function (arr) {  
    return => + character);  

If an arrow is inside another function, it shares the arguments variable of its parent function. Example:

// Lexical arguments  
function square() {  
  let example = () => {  
    let numbers = [];  
    for (let number of arguments) {  
      numbers.push(number * number);  

    return numbers;  

  return example();  

square(2, 4, 7.5, 8, 11.5, 21); // returns: [4, 16, 56.25, 64, 132.25, 441]

You can find a more complete ES6 cheetsheet on my Github page.

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